PASport Electricity/Magnetism Sensors for Pasco
PASCO PASPort Electricity/Magnetism Sensors are solid-state devices that can be used in a variety of applications, such as sensing position, velocity, or directional motion. They are designed to react to a wide range of positive and negative magnetic fields. PASPort Electricity Sensors simultaneously measure voltage, current, and power the display the gathered data thru a digital display or graph.
Wiltronics offers a wide range of PASCO PASPort Electricity/Magnetism Sensors which are designed for school or lab use.
MultiMeasure PASport sensors provide multiple parameter readings while only occupying a single Port. All PASport Sensors are supplied with probes as pictured.
Note : Pasco equipment cannot be shipped out side Australia.
Contact for your region distributor: or toll free phone: +1-800-772-8700