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The Best Chemistry Sets for Adults in 2021

November 1, 2021

The Best Chemistry Sets for Adults: 2021 Guide

Do not risk a generation of future scientists. Let them conduct experiments with ease using some of the best chemistry sets for adults!

Chemistry sets through the years have gone through a “rise and fall and rise” of popularity. Over time, it has been impossible for many science gurus to forget the existence of these sets completely.

With modern and less risky versions, this learning tool could be on its way to having a comeback once again. At this point, there is a big possibility considering the emergence of home-schooling.

Flashes and Bangs: Past vs Present

Bangs in basements, the reek of chemicals, broken flasks—nostalgic flashbacks for early chemistry sets. The ones on sale today are not what they used to be, but are a lot safer, ideal, and recommended.

The Early Days of Chemistry Sets

Some were even given a dedicated area for their experiments in garages and basements. One of the first chemistry sets is also called portable chemical chests.

The contents included glassware, reagents, blowpipes and more. The experiments are basic and provide a firm foundation for those studying science.

The chemistry set was popular during that period until the emergence of environmental and anti-nuclear movements in the 1960s began.

Chemistry sets fell from grace. The situation caused people to question whether science should be marketed towards children.

The production of chemistry sets had also declined during WWI. In addition to the fall in production rates, the horrors of the new chemical warfare could have also had an affect. This might explain the fall of chemistry.

The Aftermath

In 2011, parents were looking for toys with toys & games with educational value. It is reported that chemistry and microscope sets had strong sales during that period, as per BBC.

Television shows focused on science experimentation and DIY have also had an effect.

Most, if not all, the best chemistry sets for adults and children that we know today promote health and safety. By this we mean even mildly explosive chemicals have been removed from the kit.

Modern chemistry sets have a different emphasis. Although the nostalgic use of chemicals in free play has gone astray, there is still excitement in some of today’s kits.

For one, potassium and sodium can be dropped in water to produce a violent reaction. Or baking soda or vinegar; mostly things you can find in the kitchen.

Best Chemistry Sets for Adults in the Modern Era

Most of the chemistry sets available on the market do not include chemicals or hazards in the kit. Instead, you will find high-quality labware, glassware, and tools such as:

  • Beakers. Cylindrical containers for storing, mixing and heating liquids in laboratories. They are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples.
  • Graduated cylinders. They are long, slender vessels used for measuring the volumes of liquids accurately. This instrument is extensively used in chemistry and biology laboratories.
  • Flasks. A type of chemistry glassware used for containing liquid and performing mixing, heating, cooling and more.
  • Alcohol burners. Also known as an alcohol lamp, it is a piece of lab equipment for producing an open flame.
  • Test tubes and test tube rack. One of the most commonly used pieces of laboratory ware. They are the perfect shape and size to hold small amounts of substances, usually liquid.
  • Thermometer. Used for measuring temperature variations across a variety of mediums.
  • Tubing pinch clamp. It is a lab tool used with laboratory apparatus for controlling the flow of fluid through flexible tubing.
  • Rubber stoppers. For plugging joints or holes in lab glassware to create a liquid-tight seal. This includes glass containers such as test tubes, flasks, and other standard lab equipment.
  • pH strips. Strips of litmus paper with which you can measure the pH value of a liquid, substance, or chemical.

Building Your Lab with the Best Chemistry Sets for Adults

Our range of chemistry sets is perfect for learning organic chemistry—science, in general—for both kids and adults wanting to expand their knowledge. Plus, they are reduced to half price!

Please note these sets require an End User Declaration (EUD) to be completed before they are supplied. An EUD will be provided to the customer when an order is placed. This is in accordance with Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Precursor Supply) Regulations.


This 29BU Organic Chemistry Set with 14/23 Joints (no longer available) is a perfect learning companion for preparative organic chemistry. Many preparations can be carried out with this set!

It also has 14/23-sized joints, and the set comes with:

  • Pear-shaped flask 50ml
  • Still head
  • Liebig condenser
  • Screwcap adapter
  • Receiver adapter


But if you are looking for something more comprehensive, this 34BU Organic Chemistry Set (no longer available) is your best bet.

The kit contains 15 items housed in a die-cut foam-lined box.

This handy chemistry set comes with:

  • 50ml long neck round bottom boiling flask
  • 100ml short neck round bottom boiling flask
  • 250ml short neck round bottom boiling flask
  • 250ml Erlenmeyer flask with ground mouth
  • Multi adapter 3 neck – 19/26 mouths & cone
  • Bent receiver adapter with vent & 19/26 joints
  • Distilling head with ground mouth & 2 cones
  • Liebig condenser 19/26 ground mouthGlass
  • Dropping funnel 100ml
  • Glass adapter/receiver 24/29 ground mouth
  • 6mm glass tube – 350mm long
  • 19/26 stoppers (x2)
  • NS24/29 stopper
  • Glass straight adapter 19/26 mouth – 24/29 cone
  • Screwcap adaptor

Looking for more science? Shop our science & lab supplies and discover more!

The Bottom Line

Gone are the days of creating explosions but they are certainly not forgotten. Conducting experiments on the first chemistry set vs today’s version sure has changed.

But chemistry sets from the past and present found a common ground in scientific discovery. They provide portable experimentation that could be done at home, without a full laboratory.

This experience is something we cannot take away. The best chemistry sets for adults can help introduce the wonders of experimentation. They are a great advantage to many when it comes to science education.

© Electrotech Brands Pty Ltd 2021

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